Principe Valiente
Releasefest – Barricades
Fredag, 18 mars 2022
Kl 20.00 – 01.00, Hus 7
Åldersgräns: 18+ år
DJ: Batcat (Johnny Nattsjö)
Vårt nya album ”Barricades” får äntligen se dagens ljus! Denna fredag bjuder vi in till releasefest för att fira vårt nya album med spelning, fest och försäljning av nya albumet på plats. Vi kommer att framföra låtar från nya skivan samt lite annat smått och gott från tidigare album.
If you have ever visited the world of Principe Valiente, the ten songs on the new album ”Barricades” will feel pleasantly familiar. The dramatic soundscape rises like a fairytale forest around the singer Fernando Honorato’s warm and unassailable voice. It’s all in there, the beautiful melodies, the post punk energy and the cinematic drama.At the same time, it is the quartet’s most intimate album to date. On ”Barricades”, the songs have grown out of melodies and chords rather than guitar riffs.Lyrically, Honorato has been seeking new paths. In the dark and sometimes desperate tone, there is always a streak of hope.
”I haven’t had the same need to express desperation and frustration this time. Now I wanted to try to sing more sensitive”, Honorato says.
”Barricades” is an album deeply affected by the Corona pandemic. Most of the songs have been recorded from home with the members recording their individual contributions alone.
This has given the album a special, almost thoughtful, atmosphere.
“I’ve had more time to reflect freely both in terms of lyrics and recording, I’ve been able to try different ways. In the end, I knew exactly what I was doing with the vocals”, says Honorato.On ”Barricades”, the band’s first album on American label Metropolis Records, Principe Valiente shows its full breadth as a band, from the epic ballad ”Porcelain” to the power and sorrow of “I Am You”. These two songs also happen to be the album’s first two singles.
”I Am You” is the most intense song we have ever done”, says Honorato.
As the world now reopens after almost two years of pandemic, Principe Valiente is ready to face it.
“Our records never turn out the way we imagine them when we start working, but I’m very happy with ”Barricades”. It feels like it’s the best album we’ve done so far”, says Honorato.”Porcelain” was released in December 2021, followed by ”I Am You” soon in March. The whole album is out on March 18th./Press release by: Fredrik Emdén 2021